Content writing services: whitepapers and case studies

Industry reports in the B2B sector are designed to establish proof, build trust, and establish your leadership in the market. The more complex the solution, the more important a case study can be, and the more competitive the marketplace, the more valuable a whitepaper can become.

But writing case studies and whitepapers is hard.

You need to gather and understand information from the entire team
  • By working with a specialised content writing agency like Etymon, we’ll ease your burden as we’re focused and familiar with the tech, B2B and finance sector. That means we can help you talk to multiple teams.
You need client consent to use their confidential results
  • While data and numbers are indeed critical for credibility, there are ways to achieve social proof without revealing your client’s identity. We know how to insert snippets of proof which boost credibility.
You need to appeal to multiple types of buyer personas.
  • If you have defined buyer personas for each industry that you serve, we can tailor your reports so they are unique for each audience. Our content writers are familiar with writing to different buyer persona’s.
You need time to consult your client for results and testimonials.
  • Since our content writers can help gather information from your team, identify ways to achieve social proof, and tailor the content to different persona’s, you’ll find you have more time to consult your clients.

Writing case studies
The Etymon way

If your potential buyer is seeking a case study, that means you’re close to a sale. They want to see how your solution has been implemented and the result. To convince your buyer your case study needs to answer their questions without being too text-heavy.

  • We usually advocate for storytelling but at this point in the game, creating suspense in a case study isn’t a wise move – your prospect wants proof, and they want proof fast.
  • Most case studies follow the problem, solution, results, customer quote structure. We recommend it as it’s logical, easy to follow and designed for a buyer who’s seeking facts.
  • The best way to show proof is via numbers. That means actual metrics or percentages of the time/dollars your solution has saved/earned.
  • It’s important to respond to the right audience needs with multiple case studies. After all, someone in IT will respond to different messaging than someone who works in finance.
  • There will always be some readers who prefer numbers, and others who prefer context. That’s why we recommend supplementing your case study with a whitepaper.

Writing whitepapers
The Etymon way

Instead of listing the “problem” and “solution,” we need to show the reader the bigger picture. To fast-track buyer’s decision-making processes, a whitepaper needs social proof, big-picture stories, emotional connection, and of course, data.

  • We set the scene by providing context on the wider market challenges and opportunities, and we outline why existing solutions are not meeting that need or addressing that gap.
  • We not only describe the problem, but illustrate the failed attempts your existing clients had, and showcase the struggle the industry is facing in reaching the ‘promised land’.
  • As the story unfolds, we show how your product features get people to the ‘promised land’ and how using your solution results in a positive future.
  • By the end of the story, your buyer can grasp how your company was the saviour, and we cement this by presenting evidence that shows you can make the story come true.
  • We summarise the main points in the beginning and provide easy to navigate sub-headers so a reader who does not need the whole context can zoom in on parts of interest.

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Business report writing – The Etymon way

Don’t forget the CTA

Mid-report CTA’s are commonly overlooked. The point of the case study is to gain new clients, so you need to tell your reader what you want them to do next, and always give them options mid-report to take action early.

It’s also common to see the ending of an industry report rushed and incomplete. It’s important to summarize the end – what happened, what was achieved, – and conclude with a call to action that guides the potential customer to the next step in their journey.

Tech content writing industry reports illustration

FAQ’s about writing industry reports

Send us a section of an industry report or case study for a free editing sample
